Thursday 2 June 2011

The Vampire / Charles Baudelaire

This is my favourite poem, written by my favourite poet, Charles Baudelaire.
It's wonderful and very important in my life...

The Vampire
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6.5 /10
(18 votes)

You that, like a dagger’s thrust,
Have entered my complaining heart,
You that, stronger than a host
Of demons, came, wild yet prepared;

Within my mind’s humility
You made your bed and your domain;
- Infamous one who’s bound to me
Like any felon by his chain,

Like a gambler by his games,
Like the bottle and the sot,
Like the worms in one’s remains,
- Damm you! Damnation be your lot!

I’ve begged the merciful, swift sword
To overcome my liberty -
To poison I have said the word:
Save me from poltroonery.

Alas the sword! Alas the poison!
Contemptuous, they spoke to m:
"You never can deserve remission
Of your accursed slavery,

"Imbecile! - If our deadly empire
Freed you from your present fate,
Your kiss would soon resuscitate
The cold cadaver of your vampire!"

Here the original French

Le Vampire

Toi qui, comme un coup de couteau,
Dans mon coeur plaintif es entrée;
Toi qui, forte comme un troupeau
De démons, vins, folle et parée,

De mon esprit humilié
Faire ton lit et ton domaine;
— Infâme à qui je suis lié
Comme le forçat à la chaîne,

Comme au jeu le joueur têtu,
Comme à la bouteille l'ivrogne,
Comme aux vermines la charogne
— Maudite, maudite sois-tu!

J'ai prié le glaive rapide
De conquérir ma liberté,
Et j'ai dit au poison perfide
De secourir ma lâcheté.

Hélas! le poison et le glaive
M'ont pris en dédain et m'ont dit:
«Tu n'es pas digne qu'on t'enlève
À ton esclavage maudit,

Imbécile! — de son empire
Si nos efforts te délivraient,
Tes baisers ressusciteraient
Le cadavre de ton vampire!»

Teru & Nela! :D

This is my favourite picture.

Last year, a friends organized an Anime Festival, called "Anime & Horror Festival".
 There was a contest, "Miss Gothic Lolita", and Denisse, my sister, wanted to participate. She began to search clothes and accesories, and she began to play bass, because participants had to make a show.

That day, we were very nervous. In the Festival, we encountered a friends and our two best friends, Shui and Nicole. Nicole took this photo with my sister.
Arrived my friend, and later, began the presentation.

My sister was the first, she was so nervous! Her show was very amazing :)
Shui participated too. She sang a japanese song and she was amazing too :)
At the end, they didn't win :( But we had a nice day! :D
I love this picture because we look very good, and because she is the most important person in my life and I love her <3


People say that  if a child have bad marks and doesn't learn, teachers are the blame. But I don't think so. I think that all it begins at home, in the parenting. Parents should teach and promote their children, they should teach them to read, the numbers, etc. Children will have a strong learning base and, then, all will be more easy.
There are many bad teachers that haven't vocation to teach, I know, but I think the most important learning's element is the self student.

Friday 6 May 2011

Headphones! :D

I`m not a technological person. The technological advance scares me. I think that it separates people and makes us forget Nature and the real World.
But at the same time, it helps us and makes confortable our life :)
I said I`m not technological girl, so my favourite piece isn`t an Ipod or a laptop. My favourite technological piece are headphones :D Big headphones <3 I know that headphones don't help me in my life, but I really love my big headphones :)
I like walking on the streets listening to my favourite music. I feel like music is my life`s soundtrack :D Sometimes I`m bored  and in those moments I need listening to something that makes me happy :) I think  listening to music day after day makes your living more funny :)

Thursday 14 April 2011

Mark Ryden

Mark Ryden is an american ilustrator, who has created a new style in contemporary art.

He was born on January 20th, 1963 in Medford, Oregon. Ryden studied Ilustration and graduated from the Art Center College of Design in pasadena, in 1987. His first solo show was "The Meat Show" in 1998.

His art has been classified as "Surrealism Pop" and it's the perfect blend between bloody  and tender, between perversity and innocent, and this blend is his personal seal. His art are full of  symbols and allegories too.
The artist has said that he was a child he interested in the strange. Worried teachers called Ryden's parents because the little Mark drew people with 3 eyes or pets guts out. But his parents ignored this, and they always supported his son.

Among his works, he designed the  Michael Jackson's album cover "Dangerous".

*Exhibitions:  "The Meat Show" (1998)
                     "Bunnies and Bees" (2002)
                      "Blood Show" (2005)
                      "The Tree Show" (2007)
                      "The Snow Yak Show" (2009)
                      "The Gay 90's Show" (2010)

I love this artist because his works touch something in my heart. The look of the characters speaks to me. That blend between terderness and blood brings me to the most primitive, which is out of my consciousness. I can't explain it with words. Simply I love him. :)

Thursday 7 April 2011

Gothic Art Now

¿What is gothic?
There are many articles and opinions about this, and it isn't answered yet.
But, when we talk about gothic, we have an aesthetic and visual image: people with black clothes and laces, outlined eyes, pale faces.
For some people, this is a past style, but another say gothic is not dead, and it's presents in different aspects in actuality.
As in Art :)

Gothic Art Now is a book that groups the best of gothic contemporary art (painting, ilustration sculps, digital image, etc). It shows clasic gothic topics, like vampires and graves, and current elements taken from cine and TV.
Gothic Art Now is a good book that brings the gothic art to the people.


 I think gothic is more than just show black roses and vampires. There are many people that think gothic is just using black clothes or just listening to Lacrimosa. There are a historical culture, artist, poets and writters are unknown for the "new gothics".
There are many art works that are more "gothics" than some that are in this book.
Also, I think there are many artist we can be considered gothic left out of this book. (eg: Mark Ryden :) )

In my opinion, this isn't the best book about gothic art.


Thanks for reading :)

bye-byee! :)

Sunday 3 April 2011

Hello! :)

I'm Daniela, but I like people call me Nela. It is like my "artistic name" xD Welcome to my blog, MY FIRST BLOG!*-*  But I don't know how to use it D: It's a shameful thing!

But well :)

And I don't know what to I know! I'll talk you about a  book that I'm reading :)
It called Living Dead in Dallas, written by Charlaine Harris.

It's about Vampires! *-* (vampires are my favourite fetish *¬*), and I won't tell you the story, because I want that you read it xD
In my opinion (I'm not an erudite), I think the story is attractive, characters are interesting and it keep your attention continually. But, I don't like how it's narrated :/  It can be an stupid thing, but I think is very important how you tell a story.
Besides...VAMPIRES AND HUMAN SHOULDN'T LIVING TOGETHER! The principal characteristics of Vampires are the darkness, the mistery and the loneliness. I think the new Vampires novels have forgotten these topics, and now the vampire is just like a human.
For that, I love Anne Rice and her vampires :) She is the best  writter about vampires novels of all the world!

And that was my opinion :)
I hope you read the book and make your own opinion ;)

Bye-bye! :)